Hello Nora!
The early career nurse passionate about helping others and exploring the world in her free time.
Find out how Andgo improves her work-life balance and gives her more time for the things she loves!
Meet Nora, a passionate, early career nurse who's known for her exceptional patient care. Despite her motivation, Nora hasn't been able to secure a full-time position. Instead, she relies on picking up extra shifts to keep up with her bills and indulge her love of travel. As a result, she struggles to maintain her work-life balance and wishes she had better visibility into her schedule and a simplified way to pick up available shifts. Enter Andgo, the solution to Nora's scheduling woes! Andgo's user-friendly interface lets Nora effortlessly manage her schedule. She can view her shifts, request time off, and see the likelihood of getting the extra shifts she wants all in one place. Nora can finally say goodbye to the frustration of managing her shifts manually. With Andgo, she can access everything from her phone, giving her improved visibility into the scheduling process. With Andgo's personalized notifications, Nora can customize her preferences to receive timely updates about shift opportunities that match her criteria. She can set custom parameters such as shift type or time, ensuring she receives relevant notifications that align with her availability. With Andgo's tailored notifications, she always knows what shifts are available and can apply for them from anywhere, even while she's traveling. Nora can confidently take advantage of these options, enjoying the flexibility and financial stability that come with it. Contact us at success@andgosystems.com or visit our website to discover how Andgo can transform your staffing experience.
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