
Enhanced Absence Reporting

Simplify Employee Absence Management and Empower Employees to Manage their Schedules Efficiently.

Enhanced Absences At-a-Glance

andgo woman working at her desk graphic on grey background


Employees can submit absences online; multiple shifts across departments and partial submissions are supported

andgo shift call out graphic on grey background

Auto Routing

Absence information is recorded & automatically routed into dashboard workflow; Relevant stakeholders are notified

andgo computer notifications graphic on grey background


Schedulers use information-rich screen to process requests: Managers optionally included in processing workflow

andgo people working at desk viewing employee profiles graphic on grey background


Absence details are tracked & stored for auditing and are available in a searchable format to view status/actions in real-time

Why Andgo for Automated Absence Reporting

Andgo simplifies employee shift call-offs by providing a streamlined and efficient process for employees to report their absence via mobile interface.

Instead of navigating through multiple steps or relying on direct contact with supervisors, employees can call off their shift through their workforce management mobile app.

andgo illustration of employees absences request and approval management process
Enhanced Absence

With Andgo You Get

Streamlined Absence Reporting

Employees can submit absence requests conveniently through a web or mobile interface, reducing administrative burden.

Efficient Approval Workflow

Supervisors can review and approve absence requests promptly online, ensuring timely communication and smoother scheduling adjustments.

Real-Time Schedule Management

Integration with workforce management systems allows for immediate updates to employee schedules, maintaining operational continuity.

Enhanced Planning

Schedulers can proactively plan staffing resources, optimize schedules, and allocate resources effectively to meet operational demands.

IVR Absence Reporting

Want More Ways to Simplify Employee Shift Call-Offs?

Check out Andgo’s dial in absence reporting solution where employees can call-off through an IVR Absence Reporting phone line.

View our Other Modules